Dressed To Impress Bouquet
What's better than pink? More pink! This blissful bouquet of roses and lilies is arranged and delivered by a local florist in a classic glass vase. This flower arrangement is sure to put some pink in their cheeks and a smile on their faces!
What's better than pink? More pink! This blissful bouquet of roses and lilies is arranged and delivered by a local florist in a classic glass vase. This flower arrangement is sure to put some pink in their cheeks and a smile on their faces!
What's better than pink? More pink! This blissful bouquet of roses and lilies is arranged and delivered by a local florist in a classic glass vase. This flower arrangement is sure to put some pink in their cheeks and a smile on their faces!
All prices in USD ($)
20" H
17 1/2" W
Standard - $59.99
21 1/4" H
18" W
Deluxe - $69.99
22 1/4" H
20" W
Premium - $79.99